Selecting the right car insurance can be difficult if you don’t understand all aspects of it and this is why many people are spending too much money on the insurance for their vehicles. If the time for renewal is now, it is important that you invest time rather than money, into getting that you are able to. In order to help you make the right choice, here are some answers to some very common car insurance questions.

What Kinds of Cover Are There?

When it comes to the cover which is available, you will find that there are many, some optional and others mandatory as required by law. Let’s first take a look at the covers which are required by law.

Liability Insurance – The majority of states require car owners to have this cover which pays out for any property damage or injuries which you cause to others in an accident. This only covers injury or damage to others, not yourself.

Personal Injury Protection – This cover will protect you against injuries which you have sustained and it is applicable in any state which has no-fault laws. This cover will protect you whether the accident was your fault or not.

Here are some of the optional covers which you could take on if needed.

– Collision cover
– Comprehensive cover
– Rental reimbursement cover
– Towing and labor cover

What Cover Will Pay Medical Bills?

If you are looking for cover which will help with medical bills, you can opt for medical payments coverage, which will pay your bills regardless of fault. If you are not at fault and don’t have medical payments cover, the guilty party will have to foot the bill, if you live in a no-fault state, your personal injury protection will cover your medical bills.

What Cover Will Pay for Damages Unrelated to an Accident?

If you have comprehensive insurance then this will cover any damage sustained, be it through accident, , theft, vandalism or any other such damages.

Will I Get Breakdown Cover?

Most insurers will offer this as an optional extra, and in some cases the towing and labor cover will protect you should you break down. The best option however is to get independent breakdown cover from the likes of the AA very often you’ll find that through your insurance you can get a discount with these companies.

Will I Get a Courtesy Car Whilst Mine Is Repaired?

Generally speaking you will not receive this as standard and you will have to include it as an optional extra, for a small fee.

Can I Drive Other Cars?

In most cases, those with comprehensive cover will be protected when driving another vehicle, if you are not already covered by the insurance of the vehicle owner.

Take your time when selecting the right cover for you, a little bit of time can save you an awful lot of money.