Usually when you think of Ford, you think of classic, family oriented vehicles. Yes, there are a few exceptions, however Ford is generally a brand for people than want a normal, sturdy vehicle. With this in mind, the creation of a Ford vehicle vending machine is something you wouldn’t expect Ford to be part of. As a matter of fact, the idea of a giant car vending machine is as crazy as it is functional. The vehicle vending machine is a concept that will definitely surprise most. It could become the future standard in regards to buying cars.

The idea of a vehicle vending machine is the result of Ford’s partnership with Alibaba. At this point, the concept was only implemented in China. The idea behind the car vending machine is that it gives you the chance to test drive various Ford models for three days. The vending machine can hold 42 vehicles. The test drive is not free, though. A fee is charged before taking the car for a spin. This idea of a car vending machine sounds absolutely crazy, but as far as it can be seen, it is equally useful. The process of taking a car for a test drive is much simpler.

Ford Vehicle Vending Machine

The vehicle vending machine concept has only been used in one city in China, Guangzhou. Whether or not this concept will spread to other cities within China or across the borders is something we will have to see. In theory, this would be a good idea. Ford could make the brand much more accessible by offering people an easier way to test their products. This is as simple as buying a soda from a soda vending machine. The whole concept is bold. People have already registered for a test drive.

Ford Vehicle Vending Machine

No matter how you look at the idea behind the car vending machine, you notice the ingenuity of it. The vending machine brings customers closer to understanding Ford’s products. Whether it is the Mondeo, Mustang, Explorer or Taurus that you are seeking, this vending machine gives you the chance to thoroughly test Ford’s models before purchasing them. This is quite an amazing innovation. The fact that it has already attracted so much attention seems to point to the fact that similar systems may be adopted around the world. At this point, we can only wait to see if other Ford vending machines will make an appearance around the world.