After all the good news we have been hearing on the brand new Alfa Romeo 4C, there is a particular one that left us wanting for more.

Taking the vehicle to the Nurburgring for some sporty driving, the Alfa Romeo 4C managed a very respectable 8.04 lap time.

Alfa Romeo 4C
Alfa Romeo 4C

Well, that time is more than respectable, as it is a new record set in a car with less than 250 Hp. To be more precise, the Alfa Romeo 4C that did the record breaking Ring lap develops 236 Hp. Still, that was enough to prove that Italian design and technology is still able to impress.

Alfa Romeo 4C
Alfa Romeo 4C

Along with the initial news of this lap time, a short video was also released on the internet, for those interested in it. Now, as a special treat for those still left longing for more after that video, a new clip was uploaded with the full lap of the Alfa Romeo 4C. And you can watch it just below, with the Alfa Romeo 4C on the hands of driver Horst von Saurma.