Until some time ago, I could be considered a bit drawn in by the Porsche brand, and I liked almost all of its models.
That is until the Panamera came out, and I moved on to other brands.

While the two are not connected, I do feel that the Panamera is the ugly duckling among the other models, and in a recent statement, Porsche CEO Matthias Müller sort of admitted this himself. His exact words were “there have been some small mistakes” when it came to design.
Of course, Porsche plans to rectify all these “small” flaws and with the next generation of Porsche Panamera, a refined vehicle will be offered. The new Panamera will also premiere the use of the brand new Porsche V8 engine, according to Left Lane News. This all sounds nice, and I will keep an eye out to see if they will really rectify the design.