Sometime back in 2008, the now multi-billionaire, Elon Musk’s company Tesla rolled out its pioneer vehicle model. This was the iconic Roadster, which ran entirely on electric power, forever altering the path taken by electrified vehicles across the globe. Since then, the company has managed to construct mega factories that continuously supply Tesla vehicles all over the world. To date, there are 4 top of the line Tesla models, and mass debates have grown regarding the feasibility of purchasing the car. This short review takes a look at the pros of purchasing your won Tesla car in the year 2022.
Tesla Overview: Reliability
By making use of annual automobile polls, we get to acquire a clearer view from tens of thousands of customers, and how they would rate their cars in tens of reliability. From these, we can conclude that Teslas are, to the most part, quite reliable for average city travel. The latest ones even come with an accurate self-drive function that effectively gives passengers the time to do other things on the move, things such as phone calls, texting or even the more exciting online gambling games for real money.
While there are a dozen other components to do with reliability, we go with Mileage as it is the basic need for just about every driver. Well good news at that, where the most efficient Tesla model range can cover up to 326 miles on a single charge, and the rest covering a skimpy, but still understandable 300 miles or so.
The pricing is a big part of this review. While Tesla vehicles are not exactly known for cheap price tags, choosing the right model can see you spending something around $40,000, which is basically the same price you would need for the modern day bakkie or urban SUV and Mini-Van. But if your budget is tight you can play sa online casino games and stand a chance to win cash prizes.
Final Verdict
While Teslas are, on the most part, a good by, it is only reasonable to mention how the cars may not exactly be suited to countries in which the company itself is not branched out in. Other than that, all suggestions go to say that buying a Tesla, of any model, is one purchase you will not regret.